Once an order is placed, we are unable to process a cancellation or amend any part of the order. However, if you no longer require your order you can return this for free via our free returns portal (UK and ROI only).


If you have entered an incorrect delivery address we do ask that you monitor your delivery tracking which, once your order is out for delivery, you will have the option to redirect your order to an alternative local address or your local Evri Parcel shop. 


However, in addition to your other legal rights, you have the right to cancel the Contract (other than in relation to personalised or other products which we have specified as non-returnable, such as unsealed products) and receive a refund from us. Your right to cancel a Contract starts from the date of your Confirmation email relating to that Contract and ends 14 days after the date of delivery.


Following delivery you have 30 days to return products, unless they are sale or outlet products in which case they must be returned within 14 days of delivery.


You must inform us in writing at Monsoon Building, Website Customer Services, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN, United Kingdom, or by email at customerservices@monsoon.co.uk if you wish to cancel. It would help us if you provide the date of Order and Order number, as well as your name and address to ensure we identify the Order correctly.


If you choose to cancel, then you must return the product(s) to us either by returning to our warehouse or you may take the product(s) to one of our stores as detailed in our Returning Goods page. You must ensure that you take reasonable care of the product(s).